Pytharoulis Ioannis

Τομέας Μετεωρολογίας Κλιματολογίας, Τμήμα Γεωλογίας

Associate Professor

Γνωστικό αντικείμενο:  Synoptic Meteorology 

Ερευνητικά ενδιαφέροντα

Study of synoptic and meso scale meteorological systems focusing on extreme weather events

Operational numerical weather prediction

Optimization and use of global and limited area atmospheric numerical models

Evaluation of atmospheric numerical models


Undergraduate, School of Geology

GGN 101Υ General Mathematics Ι

GGN 214Υ General Mathematics ΙΙ

GGN 323EGeneral Mathematics ΙΙΙ

GMC 318Y Meteorology

GMC 884ESynoptic and Dynamic Meteorology
Postgraduate in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Environment, School of Geology

GMCM 202Y Synoptic Meteorology

GMCM 305Y Numerical Weather Prediction

Postgraduate course offered by the School of Geology in AUTH in the framework of the inter-faculty master programme “Networks and Complexity”:
“Analysis of Extreme Natural Phenomena”

Postgraduate course offered by the School of Geology in AUTH in the framework of the inter-faculty master programme “Health and Environmental Factors”:
“Introduction to the Environmental Sciences”


Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Meteorology, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, United Kingdom (2000)

Master of Science (Μ.Sc.) in Weather, Climate and Modelling, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, United Kingdom (1995) Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1994)

Επιλεγμένες Δημοσιεύσεις

Pytharoulis, Analysis of a Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone and its sensitivity to the sea surface temperatures. Atmospheric Research, 208, 167-179, 2018
Pytharoulis et al., Sensitivity of a Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone to Physical Parameterizations. Atmosphere, 9, 436, 2018

Pytharoulis et al., Numerical modeling of an intense precipitation event and its associated lightning activity over northern Greece. Atmospheric Research, 169, 523-538, 2016

Karacostas et al., Analysis and numerical simulation of a real cell merger using a three-dimensional cloud resolving model. Atmospheric Research, 169, 547-555, 2016

Spiridonov et al., Numerical simulation of airborne cloud seeding over Greece, using a convective cloud model. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 51(1), 11-27, 2015

Matsangouras et al., Numerical modeling and analysis of the effect of complex Greek topography on tornadogenesis. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 1905-1919, 2014

Pytharoulis et al., Study of lightning activity with the use of high-resolution simulations. Geographies, 20, 51-78, 2012

Katsafados et al., Numerical simulation of a deep Mediterranean storm and its sensitivity on sea surface temperature. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11, 1233-1246, 2011

Louka et al., Improvements in wind speed forecasts for wind power prediction purposes using Kalman filtering. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96, 2348-2362, 2008

Kallos & Pytharoulis, Short-term predictions (weather forecasting purposes). Encycl. of Hydrological Sciences, 2791-2811, 2005

Thorncroft & Pytharoulis, A dynamical approach to seasonal prediction of Atlantic tropical cyclone activity. Weather and Forecasting, 16, 725-734, 2001

Pytharoulis et al., The hurricane-like Mediterranean cyclone of January 1995. Meteorological Applications, 7, 261-279, 2000

Pytharoulis & Thorncroft, The low-level structure of African Easterly Waves in 1995. Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 2266-2280, 1999

Department of Meteorology and Climatology

Associate Professor

Research Field:  Synoptic Meteorology 

Research Interests

Study of synoptic and meso scale meteorological systems focusing on extreme weather events

Operational numerical weather prediction

Optimization and use of global and limited area atmospheric numerical models

Evaluation of atmospheric numerical models


Undergraduate, School of Geology

GGN 101Υ General Mathematics Ι

GGN 214Υ General Mathematics ΙΙ

GGN 323EGeneral Mathematics ΙΙΙ

GMC 318Y Meteorology

GMC 884ESynoptic and Dynamic Meteorology
Postgraduate in Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Environment, School of Geology

GMCM 202Y Synoptic Meteorology

GMCM 305Y Numerical Weather Prediction

Postgraduate course offered by the School of Geology in AUTH in the framework of the inter-faculty master programme “Networks and Complexity”:
“Analysis of Extreme Natural Phenomena”

Postgraduate course offered by the School of Geology in AUTH in the framework of the inter-faculty master programme “Health and Environmental Factors”:
“Introduction to the Environmental Sciences”


Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Meteorology, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, United Kingdom (2000)

Master of Science (Μ.Sc.) in Weather, Climate and Modelling, Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, United Kingdom (1995) Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece (1994)

Selected publications

Pytharoulis, Analysis of a Mediterranean tropical-like cyclone and its sensitivity to the sea surface temperatures. Atmospheric Research, 208, 167-179, 2018
Pytharoulis et al., Sensitivity of a Mediterranean Tropical-Like Cyclone to Physical Parameterizations. Atmosphere, 9, 436, 2018

Pytharoulis et al., Numerical modeling of an intense precipitation event and its associated lightning activity over northern Greece. Atmospheric Research, 169, 523-538, 2016

Karacostas et al., Analysis and numerical simulation of a real cell merger using a three-dimensional cloud resolving model. Atmospheric Research, 169, 547-555, 2016

Spiridonov et al., Numerical simulation of airborne cloud seeding over Greece, using a convective cloud model. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 51(1), 11-27, 2015

Matsangouras et al., Numerical modeling and analysis of the effect of complex Greek topography on tornadogenesis. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 14, 1905-1919, 2014

Pytharoulis et al., Study of lightning activity with the use of high-resolution simulations. Geographies, 20, 51-78, 2012

Katsafados et al., Numerical simulation of a deep Mediterranean storm and its sensitivity on sea surface temperature. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11, 1233-1246, 2011

Louka et al., Improvements in wind speed forecasts for wind power prediction purposes using Kalman filtering. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96, 2348-2362, 2008

Kallos & Pytharoulis, Short-term predictions (weather forecasting purposes). Encycl. of Hydrological Sciences, 2791-2811, 2005

Thorncroft & Pytharoulis, A dynamical approach to seasonal prediction of Atlantic tropical cyclone activity. Weather and Forecasting, 16, 725-734, 2001

Pytharoulis et al., The hurricane-like Mediterranean cyclone of January 1995. Meteorological Applications, 7, 261-279, 2000

Pytharoulis & Thorncroft, The low-level structure of African Easterly Waves in 1995. Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 2266-2280, 1999