Feidas Haralambos

Τομέας Μετεωρολογίας Κλιματολογίας, Τμήμα Γεωλογίας


Γνωστικό αντικείμενο:  Meteorology with emphasis on Satellite Meteorology and Climatology 

Ερευνητικά ενδιαφέροντα

  • Satellite meteorology and climatology.
  • Development and validation of satellite rainfall retrieval techniques.
  • Detection, monitoring and nowcasting of heavy precipitated cloud systems in satellite images.
  • Regional climate changes.
  • Mapping of climate data.
  • Geographic Information Systems in meteorology and climatology.
  • Applied climatology (relationship of climate and veterinary parasitology).
  • Satellite remote sensing for environmental studies.


Undergraduate Program, School of Geology

GMC 318Y General Meteorology

GMC 877E Topics in Meteorology-Climatology

GGG 890E Educational Applications of Digital Technologies in Geology

Undergraduate Program, School of Mathematics

1061 Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology

Undergraduate Program, School of Biology

Ο.ΠΒ.5.13 Meteorology-Climatology

Postgraduate Program in “Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Environment”, School of Geology

GMCM203Y Satellite Meteorology and Climatology


PhD in Satellite Meteorology, University of Athens, Department of Physics, Division of Applied Physics, Athens, Greece (1999)

MSc in Meteorology, University of Athens, Department of Physics, Division of Applied Physics, Athens, Greece (1994)

BSc in Physics, University of Athens, Department of Physics, Athens, Greece (1991)

Επιλεγμένες Δημοσιεύσεις

Feidas Η., Porcu F, Puca S, Rinollo A, Lagouvardos C, Kotroni V (2016) Validation of the H-SAF precipitation product H03 over Greece using rain gauge data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi: 10.1007/s00704-016-1981-9

Feidas H. (2016) Trend analysis of air temperature time series in Greece and their relationship with circulation using surface and satellite data: Recent trends and an update to 2013. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi:10.1007/s00704-016-1854-2.

Zanis P., E. Katragkou, C. Ntogras, G. Marougianni , A. Tsikerdekis, H. Feidas, E. Anadranistakis, D. Melas (2015). A transient high resolution regional climate simulation for Greece over the period 1960-2100: Evaluation and future projections. Climate Research, Vol. 64: 123-140.

Feidas Η., A. Karagiannidis, S. Keppas, M. Vaitis, Th. Kontos, P. Zanis, D. Melas, E. Anadranistakis (2013) Modeling and mapping temperature and precipitation climate data in Greece using topographical and geographical parameters. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 118: 133–146.

Giannakos A., H. Feidas (2012) Classification of convective and stratiform rain based on the spectral and textural features of Meteosat Second Generation infrared data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 113(3-4): 495-510.

Feidas, H., A. Giannakos (2012) Classifying convective and stratiform rain using multispectral infrared Meteosat Second Generation satellite data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 108(3): 613-630.

Kolios S. and H. Feidas (2011) An automated nowcasting system of mesoscale convective systems for the Mediterranean basin using Meteosat imagery. Part I: System description. Meteorological Applications, 20(3): 287 – 295.

Kolios S. and H. Feidas (2010) A warm season climatology of mesoscale convective systems in the Mediterranean basin using satellite data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 102(1): 29-42

Feidas H. (2010) Validation of satellite rainfall products over Greece. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 99(1): 193-216

Department of Meteorology and Climatology


Research Field:  Meteorology with emphasis on Satellite Meteorology and Climatology 

Research Interests

  • Satellite meteorology and climatology.
  • Development and validation of satellite rainfall retrieval techniques.
  • Detection, monitoring and nowcasting of heavy precipitated cloud systems in satellite images.
  • Regional climate changes.
  • Mapping of climate data.
  • Geographic Information Systems in meteorology and climatology.
  • Applied climatology (relationship of climate and veterinary parasitology).
  • Satellite remote sensing for environmental studies.


Undergraduate Program, School of Geology

GMC 318Y General Meteorology

GMC 877E Topics in Meteorology-Climatology

GGG 890E Educational Applications of Digital Technologies in Geology

Undergraduate Program, School of Mathematics

1061 Introduction to Meteorology and Climatology

Undergraduate Program, School of Biology

Ο.ΠΒ.5.13 Meteorology-Climatology

Postgraduate Program in “Meteorology, Climatology and Atmospheric Environment”, School of Geology

GMCM203Y Satellite Meteorology and Climatology


PhD in Satellite Meteorology, University of Athens, Department of Physics, Division of Applied Physics, Athens, Greece (1999)

MSc in Meteorology, University of Athens, Department of Physics, Division of Applied Physics, Athens, Greece (1994)

BSc in Physics, University of Athens, Department of Physics, Athens, Greece (1991)

Selected publications

Feidas Η., Porcu F, Puca S, Rinollo A, Lagouvardos C, Kotroni V (2016) Validation of the H-SAF precipitation product H03 over Greece using rain gauge data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi: 10.1007/s00704-016-1981-9

Feidas H. (2016) Trend analysis of air temperature time series in Greece and their relationship with circulation using surface and satellite data: Recent trends and an update to 2013. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, doi:10.1007/s00704-016-1854-2.

Zanis P., E. Katragkou, C. Ntogras, G. Marougianni , A. Tsikerdekis, H. Feidas, E. Anadranistakis, D. Melas (2015). A transient high resolution regional climate simulation for Greece over the period 1960-2100: Evaluation and future projections. Climate Research, Vol. 64: 123-140.

Feidas Η., A. Karagiannidis, S. Keppas, M. Vaitis, Th. Kontos, P. Zanis, D. Melas, E. Anadranistakis (2013) Modeling and mapping temperature and precipitation climate data in Greece using topographical and geographical parameters. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 118: 133–146.

Giannakos A., H. Feidas (2012) Classification of convective and stratiform rain based on the spectral and textural features of Meteosat Second Generation infrared data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 113(3-4): 495-510.

Feidas, H., A. Giannakos (2012) Classifying convective and stratiform rain using multispectral infrared Meteosat Second Generation satellite data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 108(3): 613-630.

Kolios S. and H. Feidas (2011) An automated nowcasting system of mesoscale convective systems for the Mediterranean basin using Meteosat imagery. Part I: System description. Meteorological Applications, 20(3): 287 – 295.

Kolios S. and H. Feidas (2010) A warm season climatology of mesoscale convective systems in the Mediterranean basin using satellite data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 102(1): 29-42

Feidas H. (2010) Validation of satellite rainfall products over Greece. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 99(1): 193-216