Ερευνητικά Έργα

Πρόσφατα ερευνητικά έργα με Επιστημονικά Υπεύθυνο/η μέλη του τομέα

  1. Erasmus plus; Jean Monnet Actions: EU The Green Wave Project (EU Grew), 2024-2027, (C. Anagnostopoulou)
  2. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D1-02-04 Improved predictability of events over the Mediterranean from seasonal to decadal timescales (PREVENT) 2023-2026 (C. Anagnostopoulou)
  3. C3S, COPERNICUS SERVICES – C3S2_461: C3S National Collaboration Programme – Call for Actions 2024; Action 2024-1: Direct use of C3S products at the national level,  ECMWF contract, 2024-2026.
  4. Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), REINFORCE (impRovEments in the simulation of aerosol-clImate liNkages in earth system models: From glObal to Regional sCalEs), 2024-2026 (P. Zanis)
  5. Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI), Sub-action 2. Funding Projects in Leading-Edge Sectors – RRFQ: Basic Research Financing(Horizontal support for all Sciences), Upgrading a climate model to improve regional climate projections,  UpClim, 2024-2025 (E. Katragkou)
  6. EC, HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01-08, Toolbox for assessing and mitigating Climate Change risks and natural hazards threatening cultural heritage TRIQUETRA 2023-2025 (H. Feidas)
  7. Operational Program «Central Macedonia 2014-2020», Ιnnovation Investment Plans, Digital application for the prediction of mosquito nuisance “Mosquito vision”, 2021-2023 (E. Katragkou)
  8. Extreme Weather Events: Information, Education and Protection by leveraging open educational robotics tools, Program of Cooperation Experimental School of the University of Thessaloniki – Department of Geology (K. Tolika), 2021-2022
  9. EC, H2020, LC-SFS-19-2018-2, Resilient farming by adaptive microclimate managements – Stargate 2019-2023 (E. Katragkou)
  10. ECMWF, Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Services, CAMS84, Global and regional a posteriori evaluation and quality assurance 2019-2021 (E.Katragkou)
  11. State Scholarship Foundation  & German Academic Exchange Service (IKYDA 2018) Impact of Land Use Changes on regional and local climate in Europe: present and future climate projections (LUCE), 2018-2020 (E. Katragkou)
  12. H2020-SFS-2016-2017, SFS-43-2017, Enhancing Food Security in AFRIcan AgriCULTUral Systems with the Support of REmote Sensing – Africultures2017- 2021 (E. Katragkou)
  13. DAAD, Justus-Liebig University Giessen) and AUTH,  the Mediterranean Hot-Spot: Challenges and Responses in a Changing Environment, 2017-2019 (P. Zanis)
  14.  ECMWF, Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Services, CAMS84, Global and regional a posteriori validation, including focus on the Arctic and Mediterranean areas, 2015-2018 (E. Katragkou)
  15. EUMETSAT, Visiting – Associate Scientist Activity Programme – H-SAF Project, Validation of the H-SAF precipitation products over Greece using rain gauge data,  2015. (H. Feidas)
  16. EUMETSAT Satellite Applications Training, Project Title: Autumn School,  2013-2018 (H. Feidas)
  17. NSRF, An Innovative and Integrated Conceptual Model  to Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change on Drought: Potentiality and Applicability of a Precipitation Enhancement Project in Thessaly, DAPHNE2013-2015 (Th. Karacostas)
  18. NSRF, Pilot System for the Development and Delivery of Daily Wave and Circulation Forecasts for Public and Emergency Use in the Thermaikos Gulf, Wave4Us2013-2015 (I. Pytharoulis)
  19. RC-AUTH, Upgrading computational resources for the realisation of climate simulations over Europe, 2011-2015 (I. Pytharoulis)
  20. GSRT, QUantifying the Aerosol Direct and Indirect Effect over Eastern Mediterranean from Satellites, QUADIEEMS, 2012-2014 (P. Zanis)
  21. State Scholarship Foundation (IKY) & German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Greece-Germany bilateral cooperation (IKYDA 2012)The Etesian wind system over the Aegean Sea: an assessment of wind resources in the area for present and future climate, 2012-2013 (P. Zanis)
  22.  GSRT,Developent of a Gegraphical Information System for Climate, GeoClima2011-2012 (H. Feidas)
  23. Municipality of Naoussa, Study of wind potential in the Vermion area of Naousa, 2011-2012 (Th. Karacostas)
  24. GSRT, Optimal methodology of satellite data processing for mapping production, 2011 (H. Feidas)

Πρόσφατα ερευνητικά έργα όπου συμμετέχουν μέλη του τομέα

Support for upgrading the operation of the National Network for Climate Change (CLIMPACT), General Secretariat of Research and Innovation, 2023-2025

SOILGUARD, Horizon 2020, 2021-2025.

PRIMA SafeAgroBee – ELGO DIMITRA Safeguarding agroecosystem resilience under climate change through efficient pollination and sustainable beekeeping – SafeAgroBee – (ΓΓPRM-0357251 – ΓΓΕΚ PRIMA SafeAgroBee) 2022- 2024

MICROSERVICES, Horizon 2020 ERA-NET COFUND scheme BiodivERsA, 2021-2023.

PANACEA  – PANhellenic infrastructure for Atmospheric Composition and climatE change”, (MIS 5021516), action “Reinforcement of the Research and Innovation Infrastructure”, funded by the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (NSRF 2014–2020) and co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund), 2019-2021.

EU Project H2020 GEO-CRADLE (Coordinating and integRating state-of-the-art Earth Observation Activities in the regions of North Africa, Middle East, and Balkans and Developing Links with GEO related initiatives towards GEOSS), duration 30 months 2016-2018.

Improving the knowledge in determining the minimum water level and flow of water bodies The project (contract number 91967) is supported by the EEA Grants and the Ministry of Environment and Energy, 2015-2017.

EU project REQUA (Regional climate-air quality interactions), Marie Curie Actions- International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES), 2013-2017.

Thalis-CCSEAWAVS Estimating the effects of Climate Change on Sea level and Wave climate of the Greek seas, coastal Vulnerability and Safety of coastal and marine structures, 2012-2015.

PEGA – Update of graduate knowledge in new scientific and environmental technologies, Operational Program Education and Lifelong Learning, NSRF, 2014.

XENIOS – Climate change impacts on the touristic development of sensitive areas in the Greek territory. Case study: Messinia – Integrated Tourism Development Areas, Action Cooperation project, Operational Programmes “Competitiveness And Entrepreneurship” And Regions In Transition, 2011-2013.

CC-WaterS – Climate change and Impacts on Water Supplies The CC-WaterS project (cont. num 83593) is supported by the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme (SEE) and by means of the European Regional Development Fund. Thematic Working Groups (TWG) – TWG3 – Climate Change, 2009-2013.

South East Europe_CCWaters – Climate Change and their impact in Water The CCWaters Project is supported by Means of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), 2009-2010

Project “Maintainance, Documentation and Updating of the environmental monitoring system in the Nestos river”, Public Power Corporation S.A, 2008-2010

EU-project CECILIA (Central and Eastern Europe Climate Change Impact and VulnerabiLIty), Contract no.: 037005, 2006-2009.